Jul 2, 2024
The Chain of Approval for Timesheets is now user-based. So instead of choosing a role of who needs to review a timesheet, and in what order, you can choose a specific person (or two) into one approver step. Learn more about chains of approval with this guide.
In addition to exporting Timesheets in PDF and CSV format, you can now filter by specific departments and download all things Timesheet related from one simple and easy to use panel.
Descriptions were added to all transactions in Accounting
Invoice amounts are now rounded when posted to the ledger
On the Start Pack overview page statuses, we've made it clearer to understand which users have been "Backstaged", meaning who has been invited to the production without a required start pack.
Choosing a union when "Backstaging" a user (inviting to the production without the requirement of a start pack) is now optional.
Colors have been updated to be more accessible. For example, error fields are now more clear for what's missing especially for workers onboarding or submitting Timesheets.
When reviewing a Timesheet, we fixed the formatting on some labor amounts with an absurd number of decimals
Fixed a warning to save in the document editor. We also fixed hyperlinks in the document editor
The pre-onboarding note was fixed to appear first for each start pack in a bulk download
La Fédération des caisses populaires du Manitoba Inc. (Institution 819) has been added as an eligible banking institution for payment processing to workers